Sunday, 25 September 2011

Big Brother 2011 - 2nd Eviction Recap

On Friday we had the 2nd Big Brother 2011 eviction.  First to go had been Tashi and the housemates up last week were Heaven and Rebeckah.  I really wanted Rebeckah to go but Heaven just grates on my nerves like anything.

Anyway Brian announced the name to the crowd using red and blue corners which I thought was a bit stupid.  I mean sure they fight with each other but it was really dumb to do that.  The crowd seems to dislike both of them.  After that whole thing we got to see a recap of the last 24 hours in the house.

So after the whole recap thing which wasn’t all that interesting we finally get to the eviction.  The crowd seriously booed Rebeckah when Brian said their names.  Okay so they booed Heaven as well but not as much.  I think the crowd was chanting ‘get Rebeckah out’ but I can’t be sure.

We now got to see the videos that the housemates recorded as a bid to get last minute votes.  They were equally bad.  Heaven said that she can be stronger and that she gives the housemates positivity.  Rebeckah didn’t want to be evicted and feels that she deserves to stay.  She said she has been herself, honest and straight and that she will miss Aden.  She also said if she stays in the house there will be good times ahead.

I don’t know what it is but Brian was really grating on me during the eviction show.  Maybe I’m just missing Davina.  She at least made this a lot more fun.  Brian now spoke to the house and the person with the fewest votes will now be announced.  

The second housemate to leave Big Brother 2011 is Rebeckah!  She now has to stay in the house until after The Bachelor.

When Rebeckah came out she wasn’t all emotional which was a pleasant change to Tashi who attempted to cry.  The song played for her was Maneater.  Ironic since she said that she was going to tease the boys in there.

During her interview she told Brian that she was honest and truthful in the house.  No she wasn’t we say her lie to Jay.  Brian asked her why she thinks the public saved Heaven and not her.  She said that Heaven provides more in the house meaning she is a lunatic and if Rebeckah was a member of the public she would also want to keep her in the house.  When asked who she thinks nominated her she basically got it spot on.

She was a bit shocked when she saw that Anton had nominated her.  The reason?  She thought he would never do that to Aden.  I can’t believe that she admitted that she sometimes wants to kill Mark.  She feels that Heaven did not nominate her as part of a game plan.  The plan being that she would look like the better person if she didn’t.

She finally admitted that she did tell Jay about the food thing but only after they showed her the clip.  She then went on to say that her eating with Heaven and her telling Jay were actually an hour apart and Aden had told her that Heaven was eating everything because he was in the storeroom cleaning up.  I think that’s a lie.

When they showed her clips from what she had been doing with Aden I feel she looked a bit shocked.  Maybe she didn’t realise how what she was doing looked to the public?  Maybe she didn’t realise she was being hot and cold with him?  Who knows?  Anyway she did admit that she did once fancy Mark but not as much as Aden.  Of course she wants Aden to win big surprise there!

We then get to see the message she left for the house.  It was mainly for Aden, surprise surprise.  She said that she’s going to miss him and see him when they are both out.  She said to watch out for Anton because he’s a snake.  Heaven is an actress but Harry is cool so stick with him.  He should also stick with Maisy because she’s a good girl and they could be good mates.  The others housemates pale into insignificance.  He should also stay true and she will see him soon. 

I actually thought that was a good message to leave.  You really don’t want those I love you all and miss you things that Tashi did.  She at least got a last dig in and helped out one of the other housemates.  Heaven annoyed me during the video with her talking.  Personally I think she annoyed everyone.  If Heaven doesn’t get immunity she will probably be up again next week.

So that was the 2nd eviction.  The next nominations will take place on Monday but we only see them on Tuesday so let’s see what happens.

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Big Brother 2011 - 2nd Nomination Show Recap

Yesterday was the second nomination show.  Luckily Harry has immunity from the nominations as he won a chicken task where he had to eat lots of popcorn.  I’m happy about this because I really like Harry.  Anyway on to the nominations.  


1st nomination was Heaven.  The reason was the whole argument she had with Rebeckah in the bedroom the night before.

2nd nomination was Rebeckah.  She spread a rumour about Heaven eating all the chocolate and while he doesn’t care about that it’s just not on to say that about people.  


1st nomination was Heaven.  He said that she creates tension and is an instigator.  He also said that he feels like he has to ask her permission when he wants to eat.

2nd nomination was Tom.  The reason was the argument last night that he made some cutting statements even though he didn’t really know what was going on.


1st nomination was Heaven.  Apparently she has this negative energy thing that says to people.  That leaves people unsettled and she doesn’t like that.

2nd nomination was Maisy.  The reason was that she doesn’t understand her humour.


1st nomination was Heaven.  The reason is that she creates tension in the house.

2nd nomination was Rebeckah.  The reason was that she says things that create arguments.


1st nomination was Heaven.  The reason was that the argument that Heaven had with Rebeckah could have been handled better and that she felt awkward about it.  It was made that she had to choose a side.

2nd nomination was Rebeckah.  She said it takes two people to argue and they both made her awkward.


1st nomination was Rebeckah.  He doesn’t like her and they don’t get on.  She also causes trouble in the house, is two faced and is leading Aden on.

2nd nomination was Aden.  He is young but needs to grow up as he is immature.  He’s letting Rebeckah lead him on and needs to wake up and smell the coffee.


1st nomination was Rebeckah.  She’s doing some shady stuff and has been making Heaven into the bad person when she isn’t. 

2nd nomination was Maisy.  She doesn’t help with any of the cooking or cleaning and that isn’t fair to the other housemates.


1st nomination was Maisy.  The reason was that she doesn’t make sense and it feels like she is watching her.  The watching is making her feel uncomfortable.

2nd nomination was Rebeckah.  She said bad things to people in the house and that is not right.


1st nomination was Faye.  The reason was that since the argument with Rebeckah Faye doesn’t seem to want to be her friend anymore.

2nd nomination was Jay.  The reason was that he went and told the boys that she was eating the chocolate and this caused problems.


1st nomination was Rebeckah.  The reason was that half the time she’s fun to be around and the other half she seems to want to kill him.  She’s nice to look at but he doesn’t want to live with her.

2nd nomination was Maisy.  The reason was that he feels uncomfortable around her and that he still doesn’t know much about her.


1st nomination was Rebeckah.  The reason was that she told him Heaven was eating the chocolate and then said she didn’t.  That she put him in an awkward position when she brought it up again.

2nd nomination was Heaven.  She also brought up the chocolate thing and put him on the spot.  He doesn’t like being put in awkward positions.


1st nomination was Alex.  She just feels awkward around her.

2nd nomination was Mark.  She said she doesn’t feel a connection with him, that there is a distance between them and that he doesn’t like her.


1st nomination was Jay.  The reason was that he caused trouble between Heaven and her.  He also changed something that she had said to him.

2nd nomination was Heaven.  Even though they had made up she feels there wasn’t anything to fall out over.  Also the treatment she got last night hurt her and Heaven was nasty and upset her.

So that was the nominations.  Some of them just left me speechless.  Okay so it was mainly Rebeckah and Heaven who left me speechless.  Went Heaven nominated Jay I was like that is s not what happened.  Rebeckah also seems to have some delusions about what went on the night before.  She did tell Jay that Heaven was eating the chocolate.  We have it on film!

The reaction of the housemates was a bit of a let-down.  Rebeckah was named first and she just sat there.  Heaven was then all it’s her and that she knew she was going to be up.

So now we get to vote to save either Heaven or Rebeckah.  I don’t care for either but want Rebeckah to go just because she put Jay on the spot and to see what Aden will do without her there.

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Big Brother 2011 - 1st Eviction Recap

So Friday 16 September was the first eviction show of Big Brother 2011!  The people up for eviction were Tashi, Harry and Aaron.  Of course it was again a vote to save situation.

The first thing I noticed with the live show was that Brian looks like he had a haircut.  Not so sure about it actually.  Anyway when he said the names of the nominees I didn’t know what to expect.  I haven’t been watching Big Brother’s Bit on the Side this time.  I had a feeling that Harry wouldn’t be that high up on people’s lists but thought it might be a Freddie from Big Brother 2009.  So the crowd surprised me a bit with cheering for Harry and Aaron and booing Tashi.

Next up was the recap of the previous day’s events.  The most exciting thing that happened was Aaron snogging the hell out of Tom in a game of gay chicken.  I thought it was quite funny when they fell off the chair while kissing.

Brian then spoke to the house after the recap.  The crowd was still cheering for Aaron and Harry.  Tashi seemed really shocked when there were some boos mixed in with the chanting going on.  Brian then revealed who got the most votes to save.  I was unsurprised when it was Aaron.  Come on, he’s really cool!

Brian then told the house who got the least number of votes. The first person to leave the Big Brother house is Tashi!  I’m actually happy about this.  Tashi annoyed the hell out of me.  It was the crying without tears thing that got me.

Now what annoyed me was that they left Tashi in the house for an hour after it was announced that she was evicted.  I had to wait until The Bachelor was over before I got to see the crowd’s reaction and see her interview.  I think that was really unnecessary.  

When she finally left the house she was ‘crying’.  As she stood on the top of the stairs she had a tissue and was wiping the side of her eye but there were no tears.  If you’re going to pretend to cry at least make sure you can do crocodile tears.  The crowd continued to boo her once she was out of the house.  That was actually quite refreshing as the crowd generally cheers when someone exists.  

They showed a video of Harry and Aaron in the diary room asking them what they are going to miss about Tashi.  I had to laugh because they seemed to pause like they couldn’t think of anything.  Harry said that he never really talked to her and the most he ever said was good morning to her.  So how were the boys going to celebrate staying in the house?  Aaron was going to have a shandy and Harry was going to have a bath.  Wow real party animals they are.

So the next nominations will be shown on Wednesday 20 September.  I really don’t know who they’re going to nominate this time but it should be interesting.

As a side note it seems that the girls leaving first tradition has not been broken!  It’s a bit weird to think that in every Big Brother so far a girl has left first.

Thursday, 15 September 2011

Big Brother 2011 - 1st Nomination Show

Last night we say the nominations show.  I like these show because some of the reasons why people get nominated are ridiculous.  I also love watching the reactions of the people who are up for eviction.  The problem with this show was that I found 2 of my favourite housemates up for eviction!

I found it funny that when Big Brother announced to the house that they have to nominate that so many people were shocked.  Have they been living under a rock or are they really that good at acting?  Anyway there were a few people immune to nominations because they won gold swimsuits from Pamela Anderson.  These were Heaven, Maisy and Rebeckah.

The first person to nominate was Aaron.  His 1st nomination was Tashi.  The reasons were that it was all me, me, me with her, that she likes attentions and it’s all about the Tashi show.  His 2nd nomination was Anton.  The reasons were that his little boy gave him advice to join in and Anton apparently isn’t.

The next person to nominate was Aden.  You just know he wanted to nominate Rebeckah but she was immune.  His 1st nomination was Alex.  The reason for this was that he clicked with the other girls first.  The 2nd nomination was Tom.  The reason for this was that he didn’t go out in the garden with the other guys when Aden lost his gold swimsuit.

Next up was Alex.  Her 1st nomination was Anton.  The reason for this was that she’s hasn’t really gotten to know him.  The 2nd nomination was Tashi.  The reason for this was that Tashi never made an effort to get to know her.

Anton was the next to nominate.  His 1st nomination was Mark.  He said that Mark was a bit fake, structured and at times you can see his brain working.  The 2nd nomination was Aaron.  The reasons for this are that he feels Aaron is quite but will backstab you and that he has to be wary of him.

Faye nominated next.  Her first nomination was Harry.  The reasons were that they just don’t gel, they have no bond, and don’t click and she find is awkward to talk to him at times.  The second nomination was Aaron.  The reasons for this was that it is hard to talk to him, that there is an awkwardness between them and that he doesn’t seem to like her.

Harry was up next for nominations.  His 1st nomination was Aden.  The reason was that he is messy and never cleans up after himself.  The 2nd nomination was Tashi.  He feels that she is fake and plays this dumb character as well as being an attention seeker.

Nominating next was Heaven.  Her first nomination was Harry.  Her reason was that he goes to bed early and doesn’t join in the late night stuff.  The second nomination was for Tashi.  The reason for this was that Tashi drinks her soy milk even though she does drink dairy.

Jay was nominating next.  His first nomination was for Harry.  The reason for this is that he hunts foxes and doesn’t eat what he hunts.  2nd nomination was for Aaron.  The reasons for this is that he doesn’t show emotions, likes to stir things up a bit and Jay thinks people would rather see happy housemates than ones that are fighting.

Louise is next to nominate.  Her first nomination was Tom.  Her reason was that she felt negative vibes from him and that he can be bitchy.  Her second nomination was Alex.  The reason is that Alex talks and laughs about people behind their backs and she does not like that.

Maisy had to nominate next.  Her 1st nomination was Alex.  The reasons for this were that Alex snapped at her and that they do not get each other.  The second nomination was Mark.  The reasons are that he is hilarious and silly but he does go past the point of being funny and he forgot her name.

Mark had to nominate next.  His first nomination was Anton.  The reasons for this were that they don’t speak, have had no one on one time and Anton ate a boiled egg in front of him even though he knew about Mark’s egg white phobia.  The second nomination was Tashi.  The reason for this is that she likes dressing up as Disney characters and he is sure that is copyright infringement so if he does something funny while she is dressed up it won’t be shown.

Next to nominate was Rebeckah.  Her first nomination was Harry.  The reason for this was that he kills foxes and that is disgusting.  Her second nomination was Aaron.  The reasons were that he is her worst type of man, that he is cutting with her and that she can sometimes talk to him and other times he seems arrogant.  

Tashi was the next one up.  Harry was her first nomination.  Her reason was that he makes funny comments but some of them make her feel uncomfortable to be a girl.  Aaron was her second nomination.  The reason for this is that he is sarcastic and that makes her feel uncomfortable.  

Tom was the last to nominate.  His first nomination was Louise.  The reasons were that she has not captivated him, she’s a bit boring and he feels she doesn’t want to talk to him.  His second nomination was Harry.  The reason for this was that he hunts foxes and only does it for fun.

So those are all the nominations.  That means that the people up for eviction are Harry, Aaron and Tashi.  I don’t mind if Tashi goes but I really like Aaron and Harry!

So what were their reactions?  Tashi burst into tears.  I would like to note that these were fake tears because she made sobbing noises but there was no moisture.  Also she was able to stop crying pretty easily.  Harry said that it sucks that his mom is going to see this and his girlfriend will say he was an idiot and should have been nicer to people.  Aaron sees this as a game and nominations are part of it and they all have to go through this at some point.

I have to say that some of the reasons for nominations were ridiculous!  Now I feel that fox hunting is wrong and a cruel thing to do but really it’s not like Harry is hunting them in the house.  No one else was nominated because of what they do outside the house.  Also I would like Jay to know that yes I personally would like to see fighting housemates instead of happy smooth sailing.

So that’s who is up for eviction on Friday!  I’m really hoping that Tashi goes because that girl annoys me something terrible.

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

TV Choice Awards 2011 - The Winners

The TV choice awards 2011 were last night and now we finally know who the winners are.  The thing about these awards is that they are voted for by the public which I think is good.  This way we get to see what the public think because honestly the TV industry does have an agenda with everything it does.

So let’s take a look at all the winners and what we think about that!

Best New Drama

The winner of this award was Sherlock by BBC 1.  Sherlock beat Downton Abbey, Single Father and The Walking Dead.  I’m actually glad Sherlock won.  I personally love the show and it shows that other people love it as well.  The other shows are good but I feel they don’t captivate you as much as Sherlock does.

Best Drama Series

The winner of this was Being Human by BBC 3.  Being Human beat Misfits, Glee and Shameless.  Honestly I have never seen Shameless so I don’t really know about it.  I think in terms of drama the best show won from the other three at least.

Best Family Drama

Doctor Who by BBC 1 won this award.  It beat Casualty, Merlin and Waterloo Road.  Okay so I don’t really see how casualty and Waterloo road are family shows.  I wouldn’t let my young child watch them (if I had one).  I would actually have like Merlin to win.  That’s not to say I don’t like Doctor Who because I do I just don’t like the new Doctor.  Give me David Tennant any day.

Best Actor

David Tennant won this award for his role in Single Father.  He beat Benedict Cumberbatch, Colin Morgan and Matt Smith.  I total agree with this win.  I think David Tennant was excellent in this role.  Of course Colin Morgan is also really good as Merlin but it doesn’t have the same tug on the heart as David Tennant’s role.  Benedict Cumberbatch is wonderful as Sherlock but again tugs!  I don’t think that Matt Smith is doing the Doctor that well so there.

Best Actress

Karen Gillan won Best Actress.  She beat Amanda Burton, Vicky McClure and Elisabeth Sladen.  When you see the competition I have to say that she is the best.  While the Doctor may leave something to be desired Karen Gillan is good as Amy.  

Best Entertainment Show

This award went to Celebrity Juice by IT2.  They beat An Idiot Abroad, The Graham Norton Show and QI.  When it comes to entertainment I have to say that Celebrity Juice deserves this.  An Idiot Abroad is funny but can get a bit boring after a while.  The Graham Norton Show is a bit meh for me.  As for QI I just don’t get it.  Maybe that’s just me or something.

Best Comedy

The Inbetweeners by C4 won this award.  They beat Benidorm, Miranda and The Ricky Gervais Show.  I think they are the funnier of all these shows.  Benidorm is a close second to The Inbetweeners.  Miranda I can only watch about one episode every month and the Ricky Gervais Show often doesn’t even blip my radar.  On a side note I can’t wait for The Inbetweeners movie!

Best Gameshow

The Cube by ITV1 won this.  The other nominees were Deal or No Deal, The Million Pound Drop and Total Wipeout.  The Cube, I think, is more of a traditional gameshow compared to some of the others.  Honestly when I watch Wipeout I don’t really think of it as a gameshow.  

Best Reality Show

The Apprentice by BBC1 won this award.  It was up against I’m A Celebrity, The Only Way Is Essex and Peter Andre: The Next Chapter.  Okay I love Peter Andre but his show shouldn’t be here.  It’s not really a reality show so much as a documentary type thing.  The Only Way Is Essex annoys me so I don’t care that they didn’t win and I’m a Celebrity is good but not a best show.

Best Daytime Show

The winner of this was The Jeremy Kyle Show by ITV1.  He beat BBC Breakfast, Loose Women and This Morning.  Now most people are saying that is a bit of a problem because Jeremy Kyle is not as classy or informative as the other shows.  The fact of the matter is that the public voted for him so there.  I don’t mind the other shows but sometimes you just want to watch the mess that is other people’s lives.  You don’t have to debate or learn something new every time you watch daytime TV.

Best Talent Show

Britain’s Got Talent by ITV1 won this.  They beat MasterChef, Strictly Come Dancing and the X Factor.  Really who else was going to win this?  MasterChef is great but you can learn to cook, it’s not a talent.  Strictly is wonderful but yet again it is not a talent.  The celebs are being taught.  The X Factor is good but not my favourite so Britain’s Got Talent it is.

Best Lifestyle Show

The winner of this award is Come Dine With Me by C4.  They beat Gok’s Clothes Roadshow, Grand Designs and Supersize Vs Superskinny.  I personally think that Supersize Vs Superskinny should have won.  It’s the only show that really looks at lifestyles.  Gok’s Clothes Roadshow is daft and annoys me while Grand Designs is great if you want to watch people build their dream homes.

Best Factual Entertainment Show 

This was won by Top Gear by BBC2.  They beat Big Fat Gypsy Wedding, Embarrassing Bodies and Katie: My Beautiful Friends.  Top Gear is great but I would like it more if Jeremy Clarkson wasn’t on it.  That man annoys the heck out of me.  Big Fat Gypsy Wedding is good but not good enough for an award.  I didn’t know that Embarrassing Bodies was meant to be entertainment.  Katie should not be allowed to do shows.

Best Food Show

Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals by C4 won this one.  He beat The Hairy bikers, Saturday Kitchen and Something For The Weekend.  Out of all of these I would probably watch Jamie if I wanted to know about food.  Saturday Kitchen is fine but I don’t feel I could make the things on the show.  I would not mix food and Hairy Bikers.  Something For The Weekend I have never heard of.  

Best Soap

This was predictably won by EastEnders.  Albert Square beat Coronation Street, Emmerdale and Hollyoaks.  I think the best soap won here.  I do watch EastEnders and Hollyoaks and think EastEnders is better.  The few episodes I’ve caught of the other two also tell me that Albert Square is the best.

Best Soap Actor

Shane Richie from EastEnders won this.  He was up against Simon Gregson, Danny Miller and Emmett J Scanlan.  The others are all really good actors but they don’t give the same kind of performance as Shane Richie.  I never have trouble believing that he really is feeling what his character should be which is something I sometimes find with the others.

Best Soap Actress

Another EastEnders win with Jessie Wallace.  She beat Michelle Keegan, Katherine Kelly and Pauline Quirke.  I have loved Jessie Wallace from the first time I watched EastEnders.  She, like Shane Richie, really gets her character and is able to show that emotion on screen.

Best Soap Newcomer

Paula Lane from Coronation Street won this one.  I was a bit surprised that she beat people like Jacqueline Jossa, Steve John Shepherd and Emmett J Scanlan.  I would have liked Emmett J Scanlan to win just because of the character he plays.  Hello, he’s a gay Irish gangster who beats up his boyfriend yet still has fans.  

Best Soap Storyline

The winner of this was Coronation Street for their 50th anniversary tram crash.  This beat EastEnders Ronnie swaps her baby for Kat’s, Emmerdale’s Lisa’s rape and Hollyoaks’ Brendan and Ste’s affair gay domestic abuse story.  I thought this would win simply because it’s Coronation Street’s 50th anniversary show.  

So that’s the TV Choice Awards 2011.  Most of the awards I’m actually good with which is amazing.  I suppose I should say congratulations to all the winners even the ones that I don’t like.  So Congrats!

Monday, 12 September 2011

Strictly Come Dancing - Launch Show Recap

On Saturday Strictly Come Dancing was on.  Now honestly I missed last year so I don’t know if they used the same system as they did this year.  Anyway I was assuming that we would have the first round of dancers.  I was wrong.

What we did get was some weird meat market type thing where the celebs were introduced to their partners.  In previous seasons this used to happen in rehearsal rooms and places like that.  Anyway onto the meat market!  Of course we first need to know who our celebs are:

Jason Donovan – Actor, singer and West End star

Chelsee Healey – Actress best known as Janeece Bryant (Waterloo Road)

Rory Bremner – Comedian

Lulu – Singer, actress and TV personality

Audley Harrison – Olympic gold medalist (boxer)

Edwina Currie – Former MP, public figure

Harry Judd – Drummer of McFly

Alex Jones – TV personality (co-host of The One Show)

Russell Grant – Astrologer and entertainer

Holly Valance – Model, actress and singer

Dan Lobb – TV presenter and former professional tennis player

Anita Dobson – Actress best known as Angie Watts (EastEnders)

Robbie Savage – Football midfielder

Nancy Dell’Olio – Property lawyer, entrepreneur, TV personality (former partner of Sven-Goran Eriksson)

So those are the celebrities who will be competing for the mirror ball trophy.  It’s an odd bunch but then it usually is on this show.  I’m think Jason Donovan is going to do well and Holly Valance should as well.  Although I have to say that Rory Bremner is my guilty pleasure as I have a feeling he may be a bit like John Sergeant.

Now we just have to pair them with their professional dancers.  Some of the celebs were not at all happy with who they got.  Let’s see who got who:

Alex Jones got James Jordan

Anita Dobson got Robin Windsor

Audley Harrison got Natalie Lowe

Chelsee Healey got Pasha Kovalev

Dan Lobb got Katya Virshilas

Edwina Currie got Vincent Simone

Harry Judd got Aliona Vilani

Holly Valance got Artem Chigvintsev

Jason Donovan got Kristina Rihanoff

Lulu got Brendan Cole

Nancy Dell’Olio got Anton du Beke

Robbie Savage got Ola Jordan

Rory Bremner got Erin Boag 

Russell Grant got Flavia Cacace

I have to say that most of the celebs and professionals were quite happy with their partners.  The key term here being most.  The most entertaining reaction was Lulu.  When she was told she was partnered with Brendan she shouted no!  I don’t blame her.  He can be really scary and I wouldn’t want to be partnered with him either.  

Nancy Dell’Olio didn’t want her partner either.  She and Edwina were up at the same time and Nancy wanted Vincent.  Personally I think Vincent wanted her as well.  Edwina is stiff and I don’t think there will be an Argentine tango any time soon.

I also think that Flavia is a bit disappointed as well.  She got Russell and that really doesn’t help her chances of winning.  Sure he’s a nice guy and all but when you have competition like he does in a ballroom dancing show he doesn’t stand a chance.

During the show we got some dances from the professionals but I was a little underwhelmed by them.  They didn’t have that same thing where you can’t look away.  The first dance to Lady Gaga’s Born This Way.  As Craig would say: it was a disaster!  You can’t do ballroom to this song no matter how good you are.  None of the dances really made me stop and watch.

Anyway the judges are the same as always.  Len is there as head judge with Bruno, Craig and Alesha.  Out of the judges my favourite is Craig because he doesn’t care what people think or if he hurts feelings.  He is there to judge and he does that.  My problem with Len is that he changes what he wants from week to week and couple to couple.  For one couple he’ll say he wants traditional but with another he says he wants them to spice it up.  Make up your mind!  Bruno is way to over the top for me and I don’t feel that Alesha should be there.  Sure she won the show once but that doesn’t mean that she has the knowledge to critic others.

Anyway we have to wait a whole 3 weeks before the next show!  What was the point of this?  Ah well, at least it gives me something to look forward to!