Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Big Brother 2011 - 1st Eviction Recap

So Friday 16 September was the first eviction show of Big Brother 2011!  The people up for eviction were Tashi, Harry and Aaron.  Of course it was again a vote to save situation.

The first thing I noticed with the live show was that Brian looks like he had a haircut.  Not so sure about it actually.  Anyway when he said the names of the nominees I didn’t know what to expect.  I haven’t been watching Big Brother’s Bit on the Side this time.  I had a feeling that Harry wouldn’t be that high up on people’s lists but thought it might be a Freddie from Big Brother 2009.  So the crowd surprised me a bit with cheering for Harry and Aaron and booing Tashi.

Next up was the recap of the previous day’s events.  The most exciting thing that happened was Aaron snogging the hell out of Tom in a game of gay chicken.  I thought it was quite funny when they fell off the chair while kissing.

Brian then spoke to the house after the recap.  The crowd was still cheering for Aaron and Harry.  Tashi seemed really shocked when there were some boos mixed in with the chanting going on.  Brian then revealed who got the most votes to save.  I was unsurprised when it was Aaron.  Come on, he’s really cool!

Brian then told the house who got the least number of votes. The first person to leave the Big Brother house is Tashi!  I’m actually happy about this.  Tashi annoyed the hell out of me.  It was the crying without tears thing that got me.

Now what annoyed me was that they left Tashi in the house for an hour after it was announced that she was evicted.  I had to wait until The Bachelor was over before I got to see the crowd’s reaction and see her interview.  I think that was really unnecessary.  

When she finally left the house she was ‘crying’.  As she stood on the top of the stairs she had a tissue and was wiping the side of her eye but there were no tears.  If you’re going to pretend to cry at least make sure you can do crocodile tears.  The crowd continued to boo her once she was out of the house.  That was actually quite refreshing as the crowd generally cheers when someone exists.  

They showed a video of Harry and Aaron in the diary room asking them what they are going to miss about Tashi.  I had to laugh because they seemed to pause like they couldn’t think of anything.  Harry said that he never really talked to her and the most he ever said was good morning to her.  So how were the boys going to celebrate staying in the house?  Aaron was going to have a shandy and Harry was going to have a bath.  Wow real party animals they are.

So the next nominations will be shown on Wednesday 20 September.  I really don’t know who they’re going to nominate this time but it should be interesting.

As a side note it seems that the girls leaving first tradition has not been broken!  It’s a bit weird to think that in every Big Brother so far a girl has left first.

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