Friday, 9 September 2011

Celebrity Big Brother - The Final

So last night was the Celebrity Big Brother finale.  I was actually looking forward to this not only because we get to find out who wins but because these housemates are a bit boring and I wasn’t the attention seeking public in the house.  Anyway the lines were open for a few minutes at the beginning of the show while we see highlights.

The highlights were of their last meal together as housemates.  It’s a nice set up but Big Brother gave them oysters.  Not everyone eats oysters in fact Jedward make a fuss about the fact that they have never had them before.  As you can tell I don’t like oysters.  Anyway Kerry was going on about how she was going to cry.  I couldn’t help but think: ‘How is this any different than any other time?’  I swear that woman cries about everything.  

Jedward were then given awards to give out to the other housemates.  I don’t know if we got to see all the awards or just a few.  The awards we did see were best couple (Amy and Lucien), funniest (Paddy), best housemate (Bobby) and most annoying (Jedward).

Well now it was time for the first person to leave the house.  When Brian spoke to the house the crowd wasn’t really on the ball at all.  They usually boo people but they made some half committed cheer boo thing or they were chanting.  

So the first person out of the house is Bobby!  Can’t say I’m that surprised.  No-one seemed to like him even though I was voting for him.  The phone lines were then reopened.  I thought that was a bit of a money making plot by Channel 5.  Oh well not much I can do about it.

Now it was Bobby’s interview.  I was looking forward to this because he was so cool when he came out.  On a side note the crowd was cheering for him then when they hated him all the time!  Fickle!  Bobby said it was good to be back in the real world and that he loved facing the crowd.  Brian said we all assumed he would have a romance in the house but Bobby said that he couldn’t compete with his mate Lucien for a girl (Amy).  Then we got onto sweat-gate.  Bobby said that Darryn was a bully and he didn’t like him during the first week but he did feel remorse about what he did.  On a side note Brian will not let the man speak!  Hello it’s an interview with him so let the man finish.  It’s not the Brian Dowling show!  Bobby wants Jedward or Paddy to win!

Now it was time for the next eviction.  The next evicted housemate is Darryn!  Boy, he did not seem impressed by this.  I honestly think he thought he could win this.  The crowd again is cheering even though they booed earlier for him.

Brian said he was excited about the interview with Darryn.  Why?  Anyway Darryn said his life is a rollercoaster.  He also said he didn’t see himself reaching the finale.  No one is going to say that they saw themselves there.  He also thinks that it was the fact that he has his own opinion that had him nominated so often.  He said that he was himself in the house.  If that’s what he’s usually like then I don’t want to know him.  He said that the house needs calm and peace which I thought was a bit rich coming from the main instigator of the house.  I kind of stopped listening to the interview after that.

The next person out of the house is Lucien!  Lucien annoyed the hell out of me in the house flitting from one girl to the next.  Everyone said he was good looking but I never say it.  

So Lucien said that he was scared of being booed by the crowd.  To me this says that he knew what he was doing in that house.  Brian asked if no lady was safe and that Lucien flitted from Pamela to Kerry to Amy to Kerry to Amy.  Lucien said it was a bit of fun and he was just having a good time.  When asked if he likes Amy he said he did at one point but has now come around.  This is a far cry from when he said he wanted to date her outside the house.  Kerry he called his big sister and Paddy was his best mate.  He learnt in the house that you shouldn’t follow the crowd and I couldn’t help but think that he is 19 and still giving into peer pressure.  He wants Paddy to win.

The next person to be evicted is Amy!  I kinda saw this coming.  No matter how popular she is she was never going to win.  I think she was quite upset about this.  I don’t think she would have stopped to say goodbye if Kerry hadn’t made a big fuss.  I have a feeling that Kerry or Paddy is going to win which is ridiculous since Kerry was annoying as hell and Paddy didn’t do anything.

She was asked if she fancied Lucien.  She of course said no.  Why would she change her mind now that she is out of the house?  She always said it was a bit of fun.  That’s really all I got out of that interview because Amy bores me.

Now in 3rd place is Jedward!  Alright so I wanted them to win but I had little hope that they would.  This just cements in my mind that this could well have been a set up.  Everyone was all for Jedward to win but they don’t.  Some people seemed to boo them when they came out which is odd since it was all cheers earlier.  Does the crowd get prompts or something?

Brian is a bit concerned about the noise level when doing this interview.  Jedward say they are happy to have got this far.  They also only had 2 suitcases each but air packed their clothes.  The jackets they were wearing were signed by Paul McCartney!  I would never actually wear that jacket.  They think the reason why they never got a single nomination is that everyone in the house loved them.  They also could never have done this without each other.  They were asked which girl they fancied and Edward said John like Amy and Tara Reid.  They don’t say who they want to win which in my mind says that they want neither to win.

We now have the final two.  I sort of want Paddy to win just because it’s the less of two evils really.  At this point Kerry seems very calm and confident that she is going to win.  Did she know something we didn’t?  

The winner of Celebrity Big Brother 2011 is Paddy!

Kerry now had to exit the house and she was making these weird ooh ooh noises.  I don’t know if she is trying to laugh, cry or shout.  She doesn’t seem to be coping with the crowd too well.  If she was a celeb this would be a piece of cake for her.  Again she says it was for the kids.  Come off it already!  She seems really focused for someone who is emotional but then that may just be me.  She said that Lucien is like a little brother.  I hope she doesn’t treat her little brother like that because that would be border line incest.  

Now Paddy get’s to come out of the house.  He is so excited about winning this it’s actually quite ridiculous.  I couldn’t help but notice that the music was a bit off last night.  Anyway I would like to tell you what Paddy said in his interview but his accent became worse because of his excitement.  I did get that Paddy thought Jedward was going to win.  You’re not the only one Paddy.

We now got a bit of a spoiler for the normal Big Brother that starts tonight.  Pamela Anderson is going to be in the house!  Now I don’t know if this means she will be a proper housemate or if she is just going to be there for the first day or for a bit.  I guess they want us to watch and find out.

So that’s the end of Celebrity Big Brother 2011 where the man that no-one understands won.

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